Legal notice
Pursuant to the Copyright and Related Rights Act (ZASP), the company KOLPA, d.o.o. Metlika (hereinafter: the company) is the holder of economic copyrights on the contents, in the broadest sense (text, photographs, drawings, maps and plans, audio-video recordings, computer software), published on the website and its other language versions.
Any copying, duplication, reproduction or dissemination for commercial purposes is prohibited without the written approval of the company.
The Act (Articles 48, 49 and 51 of ZASP) exceptionally allows the use or reproduction of a work of authorship, based on the public’s right to be informed, for educational purposes and for illustration, confrontation and referral in the form of a quotation, with the source and authorship having to be stated. ZASP (Article 50) also allows the limited use and reproduction of copyright work for personal, non-commercial use.
Protection of personal data
Company KOLPA, d.o.o. Metlika automatically collects information about the use of these pages, in particular information on most visited pages, the daily number of visitors visiting such pages and the duration of visitors staying on each page. These data do not enable access to the personal data of users. The company uses the information about the traffic on the website and its language versions for its own needs.
Any information acquired by KOLPA, d.o.o. Metlika in any manner via the website are intended exclusively for commercial purposes of the company and will be protected by the company in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 59/1999, 57/2001, 59/2001) and the Code of Obligations.
The company shall not disclose the personal data of users to any third natural or legal entity.
Limitation of responsibility
KOLPA, d.o.o. Metlika undertakes to keep the content published on the website accurate and updated within the scope of its abilities and in good faith.
This does not preclude the possibility of errors in the contents published on the website. The information provided via this website is for informational purposes only, as the company cannot take responsibility for their absolute accuracy.
Neither company KOLPA, d.o.o. Metlika or any other legal or natural person who has participated in the creation of the website or is still participating in upgrades to the website cannot be held liable for damage or loss of profit or non-material damage to the user that may result from the use of the website or the inability of using it.
The company will endeavor for smooth operation of the website, but cannot be held liable for damage or loss of profit or non-material damage to the user that may result from disruptions in operation of the website.
The company may change the website at any time without notice.
Limitations on the use of information and materials
The information and materials displayed on this website may be downloaded from the server for personal, home use, without changing the copyright designations, other intellectual property rights notices or other rights notices. It is permitted to download and print information and materials for viewing and reading for non-commercial purposes. Any other copying, distribution, re-publishing, alteration of information and materials on the website and its language versions or their posting and distribution in any other way without prior written permission is prohibited. Use of any element of the website and its language versions for any other purposes than exclusive personal, non-commercial, home use, is also prohibited. Company KOLPA, d.o.o. Metlika is not responsible for the format and content of websites that are in any way linked to the website and its language versions. When visiting and using related websites, the responsibility of KOLPA, d.o.o. Metlika is excluded for all cases.
Hypertext links
The nature of the World Wide Web and the website and its language versions prevents control of the contents to which hypertext links are provided from this website. As a result, the company KOLPA, d.o.o. Metlika assumes no responsibility for the contents accessible to users via these links.
(Non)compliance with the provisions stipulated in the Legal notice
The company and the authors of the content posted on the website expect the user to respect the written provisions and laws in the field of privacy, intellectual property and copyright law.
In the event of any abuse and violation of laws, we will be forced to take action against the perpetrator.
For any disputes arising from the use of the website the Slovenian legislation shall apply. Any disputes shall be resolved by the competent court. By using the site, the user acknowledges that he/she has accepted the conditions described here and agrees with them.